Swagger Authenticate the API in Laravel

In previous article we Create Swagger Post Method in Laravel and Create Swagger GET Method in Laravel. Now we will do Swagger Authenticate the API in Laravel. Open config/l5-swagger.php file and add securityDefinitions and securitySchemes. Check Create Swagger Configuration in …

Swagger GET Method in Laravel

In previous article we Create Swagger Post Method in Laravel. Now we will create Swagger GET Method in Laravel. Now, run php artisan l5-swagger:generate and check api at https://mywebsite.com/api/documentation. Read laravel swagger documentation here.

Swagger Post Method in Laravel

In previous two articles we Create Laravel Swagger API and Create Swagger Configuration in Laravel. Now we will add Swagger Post Method in Laravel. Now, run php artisan l5-swagger:generate and check api at https://mywebsite.com/api/documentation. Check Laravel swagger GET Method. Read …

Create Swagger Configuration in Laravel

In the previous article Create Laravel Swagger API documentation. Here we will Create Swagger Configuration in Laravel. Open config/l5-swagger.php file and these configurations, you can also update the values. Now, add the below annotations in app/Http/Controller/Controller.php Now, run php artisan …

Create Laravel Swagger API

Swagger provides us tools to create documentation for our apis and shares their definitions with teams, developers or consumers. Here we will create laravel swagger API documentation. Install the laravel swagger package using the below commands If facing version issue …

Useful Laravel Development Tools

Useful Laravel Development Tools for optimization, speed up laravel applications, testing laravel applications, queries optimization and speedup coding. Laravel Debugbar You can integrate Laravel Debugbar in your laravel application to debug or check your code. Using this package you can …